The Crowd

Uncategorized by Scott Brown
The Crowd
© 1928 Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM) − All right reserved.

The Crowd

Poster for the movie "The Crowd"
Release Date  18 February 1928 (1 h 44 min)
Directed by  King Vidor
Writer  Joseph Farnham
Genres  Drama
Not rated yet!

Synopsis and Details

John, an ambitious but undisciplined New York City office worker, meets and marries Mary. They start a family, struggle to cope with marital stress, financial setbacks, and tragedy, all while lost amid the anonymous, pitiless throngs of the big city.

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  • Budget  0
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John, an ambitious but undisciplined New York City office worker, meets and marries Mary. They start a family, struggle to cope with marital stress, financial setbacks, and tragedy, all while lost amid the anonymous, pitiless throngs of the big city.


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